Hospice of NGMC is a proud partner of We Honor Veterans, a national project developed by National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

According to the program, one in four dying Americans is a veteran. These men and women often carry experiences from their military service that present unique challenges at the end of life.
The We Honor Veterans project gives Hospice of NGMC staff the tools to best meet those unique challenges. Special skills include:
- Counseling for physical or psychological trauma
- Knowledge of veteran benefits and VA organization
- Experience with service recognition ceremonies
- Access to veteran-to-veteran volunteer programs
- Respectful questioning
- Compassionate listening
- Grateful acknowledgement
Learn more about the partnership at www.WeHonorVeterans.org.
770-219-8888 or 1-888-572-3900
Hospice License # 069-160H