Our Trauma & Acute Care Surgery Team
Our experienced trauma team provides and coordinates care for trauma and acute care surgery patients throughout their patient journey from the Emergency Department, Operating Room, Intensive Care Unit, surgical floor to the outpatient clinic.
Our Trauma & Acute Care Surgeons provide crucial support and consultation through consults or transfers from local and regional surgeons from other health systems. In addition to consults and transfers, our team may also “surgically rescue” patients with surgical complications.
Our Orthopedic Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery (OTRS) Team
The Orthopedic Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery (OTRS) Team cares for patients who have experienced traumatic orthopedic injuries. Our experienced orthopedic surgeons, advanced practice providers and and ambulatory clinic staff have extensive specialized orthopedic trauma training.
Our Support Team
- Walter Wiley, MHA, RN
Executive Director, Emergency, Trauma Observation, and EMS Services - Jessica Mantooth, MBA, BSN, RN, TCRN, CEN
Trauma Program Director - Linda Greene, CSTR
Trauma Registry Coordinator - Monica White
Trauma Administrative Coordinator - Janice Labbe, BSN, CEN, CFRN, NRP
Trauma Performance Improvement Coordinator & EMS Outreach - Jenna Howell, BSN, RN
Trauma Injury Prevention, Community Outreach, & Recovery Coordinator - Laura Wolf, MA, BSN, RN, TCRN, CEN, CCRN
Trauma Performance Improvement Coordinator - Morgan Krause, MSN-Ed, RN, PCCN
Trauma Research Coordinator - Natasha Alvarado, BSN, RN, SANE
Trauma Research Coordinator - Emily Murdoch, BSRT, RRT
Trauma & Acute Care Surgery
Clinical Research Coordinator - Courtney Herrin, MSN, RN, TCRN, CEN
Trauma Educator
Trauma Registrars
- Blanca E Hinojosa
- Carol Gerrin, MPH, CSTR, CAISS
- Shawna Baggett
- Kathy McDanel
Regional Trauma Advisory Committee
As part of the State of Georgia’s trauma system, the Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (RTAC) develops and maintains the region’s trauma system plan and monitors system compliance and improvement activities. The RTAC is comprised of EMS agencies, participating hospitals, local governments and the public.
NGMC Trauma Service Area