A showcase of how curiosity leads to ways to improve patient care; of how ideas spark collaboration; and how results foster innovation.

Carol Burrell, 2023

“Through research, NGMC is able to offer cutting-edge treatment options to our patients. In addition to providing outstanding care, improving access to clinical trials and supporting research helps us to improve the health of our community in all we do.”

Carol Burrell, President & CEO of Northeast Georgia Health System

NGHS Scholarly Activity by Department

Click on each drop-down to learn about highlighted research and innovation activities happening across our organization.

Office of Research

The Office of Research at Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) is responsible for overseeing the quality, scientific integrity, academic impact, regulatory compliance and financial responsibility of clinical research conducted throughout the health system.

The mission of the Office of Research is to support, oversee, and serve as the organizational home for all clinical research conducted within the NGHS system. Our physicians serve as principal investigators on a number of cutting-edge clinical research studies that have the potential to impact standard of care and to improve the care that patients receive.  Through our high patient enrollments and high-impact study participation, research at NGMC offers patients and nationally recognized physicians the opportunity to improve the health of our community and beyond.

Research Administration

  • Holly Jones, PhD, Director of Research
  • Cynthia Jackson, MA, CRA Research Business Operations Coordinator
  • Jennifer Williams, BA, Research Finance Specialist
  • Stephany Park, BS, Research Regulatory Specialist
  • Elizabeth Ivie, MS, RD, LD, CDCES, Multidisciplinary Research Coordinator
  • Shahana Sulaiman, Research Regulatory Specialist

Heart & Vascular Clinical Trial Research

  • Donna Patrick, BSN, RN CCRC Research Nurse Manager
  • Amanda Dang, MSN, RN, Research Nurse Coordinator
  • Sharon Davidson, Research Medical Assistant
  • Monica Pozowicz, MSN, BSN, CNE-cl, CCRN, CEN, CFRN, Research Nurse Coordinator
  • Karen Miller, JD, MBA, BSN, RN
  • Donna Cooper, BSN, RN

Oncology Clinical Trial Research

  • Trena Davis, BSN, RN, CCRC Research Nurse Manager
  • Elisha Curry, BSN, RN, CCRC, Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator
  • Jessica Hunt, BSN, RN, CPN, Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator
  • DeAnna Finnessy, BS, Research Data Coordinator
  • Shamel Smith, BS, Research Data Coordinator
Graduate Medical Education Research & Scholarly Activity
GME Logo

Our mission is to improve the health of our community through an engaged community of physician researchers who actively build evidence for the practices and processes of medicine.

GME Departmental Values

GME Research at Northeast Georgia Medical Center aligns our departmental values to the system Core Values. Building on these institutional values, GME research values guide our responses and processes:

  1. Research Must Matter to Our Community
    We advance our knowledge of patient care through compassionate identification of the most pressing health, social and economic concerns of our constituents. This situates our research goals and evidence of scientific merit.
  2. Perspective Matters
    We strive to understand our research through the lens of all stakeholders through open dialogue, peer review, ethical recruitment of participants and consideration of research impact on our community. This acknowledgement of understanding how we make meaning of knowledge as a social construct enriches our research agenda.
  3. Intentional Focus Matters
    We focus our resources and scholarship intentionally, building expertise in areas which honor our patients, our residents and the community-based focus of our health-system. Together, we will progress toward our community goals.
  4. Ethical Rigor is Critical
    We focus on quality not quantity of scholarship. We pursue rigorous design and implementation as more impactful on our community than number of publications, and more advantageous to our residents as they learn foundational research skills.
Welcome by Dr. Jones

Posters & Articles


  • Palacios, Franco, Jacob, Jeffrey, Hoxhaj, Rudiona, Thigpin, Catlyn, Saberi, Asif, Bhatnagar, Atul et al. “Outcomes of patients with COVID-19 requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and continuous renal replacement therapy in the United States.” Acute and Critical Care, vol. 38, no. 3, 2023, pp. 308–314.
  • Louis, M., Gibson, B., Jones, L., & Singh, H. (2023). Mechanical Small Bowel Obstruction Due to Gallstone Ileus Diagnostic Challenges and Surgical Management. Cureus, 15(8). 
  • Ketcham E, Glass OM, Hermida AP. Electroconvulsive Therapy in Heart Transplant Patients: To Avoid or Embrace? J ECT. 2023 Aug 3. doi: 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000954. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37561916.
  • Dodoo SN, Kwapong YA, Agyemang-Sarpong A, Amoran E, Egolum UO, Ghasemzadeh N, Ramadan R, Henry G, Samady H. Comparative Healthcare Resource Utilization of percutaneous mechanical circulatory support using Impella versus intra-aortic balloon pump use for Patients with Acute Coronary syndrome and Cardiogenic Shock Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: Insights from National Inpatient Sample. Current problems in cardiology. 2023, August. PMID: 37640173.
  • Mori M, Parsons N, Krane M, Guy TS, Grossi EA, Dearani JA, Habib RH, Badhwar V, Geirsson A. Robotic Mitral Valve Repair for Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2023, August. PMID: 37595861.
  • Dodoo, S. N., Moyine, C. Y., Agyemang‐Sarpong, A., Ismail, A., Le, N., Patel, F., … & Parastatidis, I. (2023). The role of multidetector CT scan in the management of prosthetic aortic valve thrombosis: A case report. Clinical Case Reports, 11(9). 

Research Team


Nursing Excellence

Posters & Articles


NGHS Library Services

“Zora Neale Hurston once said, Research is formalized curiosity; It is poking and prying with a purpose. As librarian, it is my job to support that informational and educational purpose of discovery. The library serves as a purposeful avenue to research and life-long learning.”

Shannon Glover, MLIS, AHIP, Coordinator of Health Sciences Library

“When I used to work with first-year college students, I explained that it’s called REsearch because you need to keep asking, searching, evaluating, and revisiting the matter over and over again. Librarians are primarily involved in the searching phase–connecting researchers to the highest quality evidence available–but we also perform original research, and I look forward to engaging the process more.” 

Tanisha Mills, MLIS, AHIP, Medical Librarian

Library Team

  • Shannon Glover, MLIS, AHIP
  • Tanisha N. Mills, MLIS, AHIP




Finding the Library’s Electronic Resources
Locating Electronic Journals
Foothills Area Health Education Center (AHEC)

The Foothills AHEC Pathway to Med School (PTMS) program provides undergraduate pre-med students with early exposure to primary care and community medicine, establishing a network of physicians to support students as advisors and future colleagues, over a month-long timeframe.

The goal of the program is to enhance students’ candidacy for medical school through clinical shadowing, research projects, and instructional sessions. The practice-based research component of the PTMS program is structured to examine health care processes and patient populations in community-based, primary care clinical settings to ultimately improve care and patient outcomes. While research experience is not required of all medical school applicants, it is being considered imperative for students that desire to be competitive applicants.

Under the mentorship of primary care physicians, PTMS students elevate their understanding of the timeline, processes, and elements needed to launch and complete a constructive research study.

Research Team

  • Zachary Taylor, MD | Director, District 2 Public Health Department
  • Dipal Patel, MD | Outpatient Core Faculty, PAR Internal Medicine, GME
  • Zahraa Rabeeah, MD | Associate Program Director, PAR Internal Medicine, GME

Foothills AHEC Leadership & Staff

  • Missy Lochstampfor | Foothills AHEC Center Director
  • Jenn Dunahoo, Foothills AHEC Special Projects Director
  • Lana Brand, MLIS | Foothills AHEC Clinical Training Coordinator


Georgia Heart Institute

For over 20 years, Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) has been a leading location for high-impact clinical trials in cardiology. Having completed over 100 cardiac research Phase II – IV pharmaceutical and Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) clinical trials, our research team of highly qualified registered nurses, professional staff and nationally recognized physicians is focused on patient enrollment and timely start-up of research studies in addition to excellent patient care.

Our board-certified cardiologists, heart surgeons and vascular surgeons at Georgia Heart Institute provide a range of treatments and services with our state-of-the-art technology and research — from diagnostic procedures to life-saving angioplasty to minimally-invasive valve surgery.

Georgia Heart Institute Research Playlist

Posters & Abstracts


Case Reports


Heart & Vascular Clinical Trial Research Team

  • Donna Patrick, BSN, RN, CCRC
    Research Nurse Manager
  • Amanda Dang, MSN, RN
    Research Nurse Coordinator
  • Sharon Davidson
    Research Medical Assistant
  • Monical Pozowicz, MSN, BSN, NE-cl, CCRN, CEN, CFRN, Research Nurse Coordinator
  • Karen Miller, JD, MBA, BSN, RN
  • Donna Cooper, BSN, RN
  • Shahana Sulaiman, Research Regulatory Specialist

The Cancer Center at NGMC has been participating in cancer clinical trials since 1996, and we partner with a variety of nationally recognized research networks across the U.S. Our oncology research program was recognized in 2018 as a Top 5 Accruing Site for numbers of patients enrolled in clinical trials by SWOG (the Southwest Cancer Chemotherapy Study Group).

Our expert physicians specialize in medical, surgical, radiation and gynecologic oncology and offer cutting-edge clinical trial opportunities  to our patients. Our portfolio includes trials for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery for virtually all tumor sites including breast, lung and prostate cancers, three of the cancer types most often diagnosed. By offering clinical trials to patients, physicians and clinical staff in the Cancer Center are able to provide a variety of treatment options using state-of-the-art technology and resources.

Welcome by Dr. Nash
Oncology Research Playlist

Posters, Presentations & Publications

  • Designing a Referral Process in a Large Adult Health System to Address the Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) Patients with Cancer
    Andria Caton, MSN, RN, OCN, CHPN | Nicole McGuire, MD | Heidi Ehrenreich, PhD, MPH | Michele Fortner, MBA, MS, RT
  • Just ASK: An improvement initiative measuring tobacco use in newly diagnosed people with cancer
    Nicole McGuire, MD | Swathi Kanakemedala, MD | Andria Caton, MSN, RN, OCN, CHPN
  • Caton, A. & Johnson, T. (2024). Faith Over Fear: Colorectal Cancer Screening in Atlanta East District AME Church Communities. Accepted for Oncology Nursing Society Congress Poster Presentation April 2025.
  • Caton, A. (2024). Tar WARS over Time. Accepted for Oncology Nursing Society Congress Podium Presentation April 2025.
  • Stead, N. & Caton, A. (2024). Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ: Non-Mass Enhancement on MRI Ten Years Before Mammographic Microcalcifications. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology.  Manuscript accepted for publication 8.15.24
  • Caton, A. & Johnson, T. (2024). Faith Over Fear: Colorectal Cancer Screening in Atlanta East District AME Church Communities. Fundamentals of Oncology Nursing Conference: Navigating Symptom Management.  Poster Presentation. September 13-14, 2024. Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Caton, A. (2023). VIRTUAL HEAD AND NECK CANCER SCREENINGS: P128. Oncology Nursing Forum, 50(2), 74.
  • Kanakamedala, S., Danak, S., & Caton, A. (2023). Multimodal interventions targeting identified barriers to improve lung cancer screening in Northeast Georgia. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 41, 6570-6570(2023).
  • Ghosh, A., McGuire, N., Vega, R., Alaws, H., Adewunmi, C., Caton, A., & Johnson, A. (2023). Identifying associations between race and gender in the incidence and mortality of patients with multiple myeloma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 41, e20052-e20052(2023).  DOI:10.1200/JCO.2023.41.16_suppl.e20052

Oncology Clinical Trial Research Team

  • Trena Davis, BSN, RN, CCRC Research Nurse Manager
  • Elisha Curry, BSN, RN, CCRC, Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator
  • Jessica Hunt, BSN, RN, CPN, Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator
  • DeAnna Finnessy, BS, Research Data Coordinator
  • Shamel Smith, BS, Research Data Coordinator

“Research in pharmacy practice is important for many reasons!  The research conducted in pharmacy over the years has highlighted novel pharmacotherapeutic ideas, formulary management practices, validation of pharmacy services, and quality/safety improvements, just to name a few.  This information has been presented at the local, state, and national levels in an effort to share work from which others may benefit.  The Department of Pharmacy is delighted to showcase the great work that is done by our team! ” 

Melissa Frank, PharmD
Director of Pharmacy



Research Team

  • Amy Goss, PharmD
  • Kyle Whitley, PharmD
  • Dustin Bivins, PharmD
  • Brianna Massey, PharmD
  • Amy Knauss, PharmD, BCPS
  • Alix Schnibben, PharmD, BCACP, CTTS
  • Madalyn Motes, PharmD, BCCCP
  • Barry Barns, PharmD, BCIDP
  • Sophia Braun, PharmD, BCPS
  • Ryan Collier, Pharmacy Technician
  • Cristy Gaddy, PharmD, BCPS
  • Jason VanLandingham, PharmD, BCPS
  • Emily Harman, PharmD, BCCCP
  • Shannon McAtee, RPh
  • Jennifer Parker, PharmD, BCPS
  • Leslie Roebuck, PharmD
Trauma & Acute Care Surgery

“To our patients, having the opportunity to participate in research gives meaning to their experience. Trauma patients are often times here unexpectedly… so having that opportunity can help them heal.”
Jessica Mantooth, RN

Trauma Research Team
Trauma Research Playlist


  • Drs. Brian Gibson, Molly McNamee, and Michael Stolz: Management of Choledocholithiasis in a Community Hospital: Laparascopic Common Bile Duct Exploration VS Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography; SESC; February 2024
  • Drs. Tyler Harvell and Molly McNamee: Missile Embolism from Left Ventricular Gunshot Wound; SESC; February 2024
  • Dr. Molly McNamee: Identifying Barriers to Implementation of Modified Brain Injury Guidelines for Management of Traumatic Brain Injury; SESC; February 2024
  • Dr. Matthew Vassy and REBOA collaborative team: pREBOA vs ER-Reboa: The Impact on Blood Utilization and Resuscitation Requirements: A Pilot Analysis; EAST; January 2024
  • Morgan Krause and Dr. Matthew Vassy collaborative with Emory: Accuracy of Trauma Surgeons Prospective Estimation of the Injury Severity Score; SESC; February 2024
  • Jessica Mantooth and Dr. Nathan Creel: Implementing Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of The Aorta in a Rural Level II Trauma Center; SESC; February 2024
  • Jessica Mantooth, Morgan Krause, and Jessica Latimer: A multidisciplinary approach to implementing a standardized spinal cord injury order set; STN TraumaCon; April 2024
  • Laura Roach, Morgan Krause, Ashley Davis, and Michelle Mair: What’s going on? A Journey to Implementing a Memory Journal for the TBI/SCI population; STN TraumaCon; April 2024
  • Kyle Gibson: Pre-Hospital Whole Blood – STN Session: Innovations in Trauma Nursing; WTC/AAST. September 2024.
  • Jesse Gibson, Linda Greene, and Nicole Moulder: Mental Health Screening: It’s Everyone’s Job; TQIP; November 2024.

Research Team

  • Morgan Krause, MSN-Ed, RN, PCCN
  • Emily Murdoch, BSRT, RRT
  • Natasha Alvarado, BSN, RN, SANE


  • Gibson, B., McNamee, M., & Stolz, M. (2024). Management of Choledocholithiasis in a Community Hospital: Laparascopic Common Bile Duct Exploration VS Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. The American Surgeon
  • Grabill, N., Louis, M., Akhtar, A., Ayinde, B., Sarmiento, D., Foxhall, E., & Murdoch, E. (TBD). Early Detection and Quality Indicators: Assessing the Clinical Impact and Effectiveness of Lowering the Colorectal Cancer Screening Age. Surgery Open Science
  • Meyer, C., Beckett, A., Benjamin, E., Duchesne, J., Kundi, R., Dennis, B., Pandya, U., Lawless, R., Moore, E., Spalding, C., Vassy, M., & Nguyen, J. (2024). pREBOA vs ER-Reboa: The Impact on Blood Utilization and Resuscitation Requirements: A Pilot Analysis. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
  • Mlaver, E., Meyer, C., Solomon, G., Sharma, J., Krause, M., Vassy, M., Dente, C., Todd, SR., & Ayoung-Chee, P. (2024). Accuracy of Trauma Surgeons Prospective Estimation of the Injury Severity Score; The American Surgeon
  • Creel, N. and Mantooth, J. (2024). Implementing Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of The Aorta in a Rural Level II Trauma Center. The American Surgeon
  • Louis, M., Gibson, B., & Krause., M. (2024). Impact of Surgical Residency Integration on Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Outcomes: A Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Surgical Education
  • Vassy, M; Spalding, C; Moore, E; Beckett, A; Dennis, B; Kundi, R; and Duchesne, J. (2024). Partial Occlusion, Less AKI: an AORTA Registry Analysis of pREBOA-PRO. Shock
  • Gondek, S., Hamblin, S., Raley, J., Nguyen, J., Pandya, U., Duchesne, J., Smith, A., Moore, E., Ammons, LA., Beckett, A., Vassy, M., Carlisle, P., & Dennis, B. (2024). A PROMPT Update on Partial REBOA: Initial Clinical Data and Overview of the DoD-Funded Partial REBOA Outcomes Multicenter ProspecTive (PROMPT) Study. Military Medicine
  • Mlaver, E; Dente, C; Solomon, G; Krause, M; Vassy, M; Todd, SR; and Ayoung-Chee, P. (2024). Improving Trauma Surgeons Prospective Estimation of the Injury Severity Score; The American Surgeon

Office of Research Administration


GME Research Department
