Navy Veteran Has Peace of Mind Thanks to a New Service from Lifeline of Northeast Georgia Medical Center

Published: Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Banks County native is just one of many people maintaining their independence thanks to the added safety, confidence and security of a new product offered by Lifeline of Northeast Georgia Medical Center.  Lifeline’s new GoSafe service, which was installed in P.G. Caudell’s home earlier this year, is a new mobile emergency medical alert system. 

“I am able to spend my time taking care of my 25 acres of land and planning an annual naval ship reunion without worrying,” says Caudell, “I am comforted to know I have the ability to call for help 24 hours a day, with the touch of a button.”

GoSafe is a leading mobile medical alert service that is designed to help provide peace of mind to seniors at home or on the go.  Featuring the power of as many as six location technologies, GoSafe is the only mobile personal emergency response system to utilize this hybrid approach to locate seniors in need of assistance in areas where GPS may not be available. Additionally, GoSafe’s built-in AutoAlert fall detection technology can automatically call for help if it detects a fall, providing protection even if the senior is unable to call on their own.  The system utilizes an in-home communicator to optimize in-home performance, and the pendant can be charged while worn to provide continuous protection for the wearer. 

Caudell was born in 1925 and has lived almost his entire life in Banks County, with the exception of his time spent serving in the Navy.  Shortly after being honorably discharged, he married Ruby Roberson in 1947.  During the next 10 years, they had three daughters:  Carolyn, Debbie and Kathy.

Caudell began working at Johnson & Johnson’s Lumite Division of Chicopee in Cornelia in 1952.  He stayed there until the late 1970’s, when he was forced to retire earlier than planned due to back problems from injuries sustained during World War II.  After many surgeries, he now has advanced neuropathy in his legs from nerve damage.

Ruby passed away in August 2008, after 62 years of marriage.  Caudell lived alone for several years after her passing, but, due to his age and increasing weakness in his legs, his daughters began researching options for a medical alert device so he could get help in an emergency.

Mr. Caudell and his daughters met Dianne Appling, Lifeline coordinator at Northeast Georgia Health System, at a local health fair, where they learned about the Lifeline system.

“We are proud to offer a service that empowers seniors to age safely and independently while providing their families with peace of mind,” says Appling. “By offering GoSafe, we can give seniors the confidence to stay active and on-the-go while keeping them connected to help if they need it.”

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Navy veteran and Banks County resident P.G. Caudell has peace of mind knowing he can call for help 24 hours a day with Lifeline’s new GoSafe service, a wireless emergency medical alert system.