Those facing hospice care have very special needs, needs that go beyond the traditional care hospitals offer – but still highly specialized and medical in nature. Hospice of Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) strives to meet the unique needs of these patients, but also their families.
Often, receiving care at home close to family and friends, in familiar surroundings, is the first choice for many people. Unfortunately for many, that is not always possible. Thanks to a lead gift from Chuck and Diane Stephens, Hospice of NGMC will soon have an alternative.
Through the work of the Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) Foundation northeast Georgia will soon have an alternative to at-home and inpatient hospice care – by raising an additional 5 million dollars to build a Hospice House. This house will provide an alternative place for care, where specialized medical staff will be available 24 hours a day to manage symptoms and pain, help create a warm environment for visitors and a compassionate home for those experiencing one of life’s most sacred moments.
NGHS is grateful to those individuals who have made a commitment toward the development of the Hospice House. It is through their generosity that this vision will be realized.
- Anonymous
- Karen & David Baston
- Neal W. Booth, Sr. & Sandy P. Booth
- Nancy D. Colston
- Melissa Cook
- Billy & Diane Edwards
- Bonnie Gibbons
- Cindy Green & Larry Monroe
- Alan Jones
- Starlet Rhodes Jones Foundation
- James A. Kruer, Jr.
- Debbie Lyter
- Mike & Caryn McGarity
- Nixon Heritage Fund
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Pirkle Family Foundation
- Carol Rittenhouse
- Mary Smith
- Chuck & Diane Stephens
As of 2/6/2022

Creating a home-like environment for care
Chuck and Diane were inspired to create this legacy because of the compassionate end-of-life care their family members received at a hospice house facility in New Hampshire. Modeled after the same level of care and comfort the hospice house they help create here, will be set in a beautiful environment and focus on enjoying and celebrating life. The vision is a home with lots of natural light, gardens, comfortable furniture and linens, as well as plenty of gathering spaces for family and friends.
Staff Specializing in End-of-Life Care
The home-like environment is not the only thing that sets a hospice house apart. This hands-on facility offers one of a kind care, because it is staffed with compassionate individuals that specialize in end-of-life care, for patients – and their families. Helping families become comfortable performing skills they may need if the patient transitions back home – this hospice house can offer temporary placement while staff works to control issues or symptoms, or it can offer caregivers a well-earned and needed time of respite. Every patient and situation is different – and will be assessed and treated based on their unique situation and needs.
It is important to remember that our hospice house staff, and volunteers have chosen end-of-life care as a passion and their life’s work. Our award-winning hospice care enriches patients’ lives; it helps heal families. This hospice house will be no exception. We are so excited to create a space that will enable patients to live and accept their journey with compassion and dignity.

Complementary Therapies and Support
Hospice of NGMC is well-known for the wide range of complementary therapies for patients and their families. From bereavement support groups, patient and caregiver massage, music therapy and individual patient support purchases – our hospice care team truly works to make end of life the most comfortable, rewarding and beautiful as it can be. Our hospice house will be no exception, offering Each multipurpose gathering room with space to host professionals, musicians and volunteers to offer a wide variety of free bereavement and support activities.

Get Involved
Support Hospice of NGMC efforts to build a free-standing Hospice House for our community by giving a tax-deductible gift to the NGHS Foundation.