The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 12.1 million Americans will be living with AFib by 2030. But how much do you know about this increasingly common heart condition or heart rhythm disorders overall?

While millions of Americans may have an irregular heartbeat, some may not even realize it’s present – or fully understand the condition if they have it.

What is arrythmia?

The heart’s electrical system controls your heart rate, the number of beats per minute. Normally, your heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute, circulating blood through its chambers and valves to the rest of the body. 

When the heart’s electrical system encounters an issue, it can lead to arrhythmia—causing the heart to beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly. Everyday factors like caffeine, alcohol, or stress can cause temporary arrhythmias in healthy hearts. However, persistent arrhythmias should be evaluated by a cardiologist. 

Common Types of Arrhythmias 

  • Atrial Fibrillation (AFib): The most common arrhythmia, characterized by a quivering or irregular heartbeat. 
  • Supraventricular Tachycardia: A rapid heart rate originating above the heart’s ventricles. 
  • Bradycardia: A slower-than-normal heart rate. 
What Is AFib?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) disrupts the heart’s normal rhythm, causing the upper chambers (atria) to quiver instead of beating effectively. This disrupts blood flow to the lower chambers (ventricles) and increases the risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart failure. 

Who’s at Risk for AFib?

People of all ages, genders and races are at risk of developing AFib. In fact, the condition is becoming more and more common. While several million Americans have atrial fibrillation currently, health experts expect that number to rise significantly in the next decade.

While there’s no way to prevent every case of AFib, knowing your risk can help you talk with your doctor about ways to safeguard your health. You may be at a higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation if:

  • You’re of advanced age.
    While children can develop AFib in rare instances, the condition is much more likely as you get older.
  • You have a family history of AFib.
    As with most conditions, your risk increases if an immediate family member has atrial fibrillation.
  • You’re an athlete.
    This factor might seem odd, but AFib is actually common among those who are physically active. It’s triggered by a rapid heart rate called supraventricular tachycardia.
  • You have chronic health issues.
    Your risk is higher if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, sleep apnea, or asthma.
  • You have an underlying heart disease.
    This can include valve problems, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or a history of heart attack. Atrial fibrillation can also occur after heart surgery.
  • You drink an excessive amount of alcohol.
    Drinking more than a moderate amount—one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men—increases your risk. But binge drinking is especially dangerous. That’s defined as having four or more drinks in a two-hour span if a woman, or five or more drinks in two hours if a man.
What are the symptoms of AFib?

Oftentimes, there are no noticeable symptoms with AFib, or they may be intermittent/infrequent symptoms. In some cases, arrhythmias can be extremely dangerous, even an emergency. Because of this, it’s extremely important to work with your cardiologist if you experience any of the following or are at an increased risk of developing it. A few symptoms you may notice as a part of AFib, include:

  • Fatigue (especially with activity)
  • Elevated/racing heartbeat with no increase in activity
  • Heart palpitations (Thumping, fluttering, flopping or pounding in the chest)
  • Confusion
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Feeling sweaty
  • Shortness of breath
Why do patients with AFib have to take blood thinners?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) significantly increases a person’s risk of stroke—by up to five times—with some individuals facing an even higher risk due to additional health conditions or risk factors. This elevated risk stems from how AFib affects the heart’s function. 

In a healthy heart, the left atrium contracts effectively, keeping blood flowing smoothly. However, AFib disrupts this normal rhythm, preventing the left atrium from contracting properly. As a result, blood can pool and remain static in the atrium. This stagnant blood increases the likelihood of clot formation. If a clot dislodges, it can travel through the bloodstream and block a vessel leading to the brain. Such a blockage, known as a stroke, can cause severe brain damage or even death. 

Blood thinners are prescribed to reduce the likelihood of clot formation, helping to lower the risk of life-threatening complications like stroke in patients with AFib. 

How is AFib Diagnosed?

There are a variety of effective tests your cardiologist may use to detect and diagnose AFib, or another type of arrhythmia. One of the most common is an electrocardiogram, which is a test that has leads that attach to the chest to monitor and track the heart’s electrical impulses.

For patients who have inconsistent symptoms or those that come and go, your cardiologist may recommend a type of Holter Monitor or Event Monitor, which will track your heart’s rhythm for a longer period.

  • Holter Monitor (24-hour and 48-hour):
    This type of test is essentially a portable electrocardiogram. The device is worn for either a 24-hour or 48-hour interval, and during that time, it records the electrical activity of the heart. Holter monitoring is often recommended to help make or confirm a diagnosis of a heart health issue such as an arrythmia.
  • Cardiac Event Monitor:
    This test works similarly to Holter monitoring, but has two main differences. It does not record electrical activity continuously; instead, it is often set to record when an abnormal heart rhythm is detected. This type of monitor is also worn for longer periods of time.

AFib Treatment

Treating AFib involves various therapies tailored to your diagnosis and overall health. Your electrophysiologist may recommend the following: 

Lifestyle Changes 

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol 
  • Avoid smoking 
  • Manage sleep apnea or sleep disorders 
  • Engage in routine exercise 
  • Monitor side effects of other medications 

Prescription Medications 

Medications may be prescribed to regulate your heart rhythm or reduce the risk of blood clots. 

Catheter Ablation 

This minimally invasive catheter ablation procedure involves threading a catheter through a blood vessel to the heart, where cold or hot therapy targets and disrupts the electrical signals causing arrhythmia. 

Maze Procedure 

Performed by our cardiovascular and thoracic surgeons using advanced robotic techniques, this surgical option uses cryoablation to treat advanced AFib or cases resistant to other treatments. The Maze procedure can be performed at the same time as a heart valve repair or replacement during robotic heart surgery, if necessary. 

Watchman Device 

Implanted via a catheter-based procedure, the Watchman Device reduces the risk of stroke in patients with AFib by preventing blood clots from forming in the heart. 

Why Choose Georgia Heart Institute?

As a part of the state’s most forward-thinking heart & vascular program, Georgia Heart Institute offers access to a complete team of highly-trained experts, led by electrophysiologists, that all specialize diagnosing, treating and effectively managing heart rhythm disorders. With access to the latest diagnostic tests and treatment technology, you’ll receive an extremely precise and accurate diagnosis and a customized treatment to keep your heart at its healthiest.

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